
The following provisions set forth the Legal Requirements of the reservation service of Hôtels & Préférence. We are committed to protecting all personal data relating to you. The aim of this charter is to provide an explanation of how the data gathered on the website hotelspreference.com is used. Please read this privacy policy closely. When you use our website and services, you are undertaking to comply with the terms and conditions regarding the collection of your personal information on our website, as laid out in our privacy policy.

Publisher Details

This website is published by: Hôtels & Préférence, a private limited company registered in France, with offices located at 17 rue d'Orléans, 92200 Neuilly sur Seine. The company is registered on the company register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nanterre under the registration number (SIRET) 424 989 549 000 60 - APE 5510Z). VAT Number :  FR 77 424 989 549. Hôtels & Préférence is registered as a tour and hospitality operator under the registration number: IM075120392.

Information Technology and Freedom of Information

Hôtels & Préférence has the IT capability to efficiently manage its client details. The data collected is reserved for the use of Hôtels & Préférence’s Customer Services. We may be called upon to pass your details to certain carefully selected partners or to a third party who may send you information of probable interest to you, but solely with your prior agreement. Apart from those cases mentioned above, we will not communicate any of your personal data without your agreement, except in the case of a legal obligation (for example a court order, or to prevent fraud or other crimes). Conforming with articles 39 of the law 78-17 (6 January 1976, modified in 2004) relating to Information Technology, to data and to freedom, everyone can gain access and if necessary correct or remove the data relating to themselves, by contacting legal@hotelspreference.com


The display and the entire content of the site, including the domain name, the brands, logos, signs, designs, illustrations, photographs, videos, texts, graphics and other data that appear on the website, are protected by the laws enacted concerning intellectual property rights, and belong to Hôtels & Préférence, or are covered by rights of usage. No part of the website hotelspreference.com may be reproduced, copied, modified, republished, uploaded, tampered with, transmitted or distributed in any way, by any means, either entirely or in part, without the prior written agreement of Hôtels & Préférence, with the exception of private strictly personal and non-commercial use involving no modification of the contents of the website. Any other usage of the website hotelspreference.com or its content that has not been expressly authorised will be considered as an infringement of the rights of Hôtels & Préférence, and will be treated as counterfeiting, punishable under articles L 355-2 and the articles thereafter of the Intellectual Property Code.

The Rights of Hôtels & Préférence as a Database Producer

Each client, prospect or partner has their own, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to consult the information contained on the website hotelspreference.com for their own needs, for the purpose of hotel reservation. They are authorised to extract and/or re-use a part of the content of the website for personal consultation, on the understanding that such extraction or re-use is not of a substantial part of the website, judged either in qualitative or quantitative terms. Otherwise it is equally forbidden to repeatedly extract and/or reuse the website’s content, even if the amount is small. All other partial or complete reproduction of the website for any other reasons is expressly forbidden by the articles L. 342-1 et L. 342-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property. It is also forbidden to communicate to the public the website in its entirety or in part in any form or to any public. In particular, the use of the website for commercial usage is expressly forbidden.


All information that can be accessed on the website is provided without any guarantee. Hôtels & Préférence provides no guarantee either explicitly or implicitly, and takes no responsibility relating to the use of the material. The user is solely responsible for the usage of this material. Hôtels & Préférence reserves the right to modify the content of the website at any time, particularly when making updates to the site hotelspreference.com. Hôtels & Préférence can take no responsibility for any direct or indirect offence resulting from information held on the website. The user is making a commitment not to feed into the website any material likely to lead to civil or penal actions, and as such commits not to display on the website any illegal information contrary to public order, or which is defamatory. Hôtels & Préférence does everything in its power to make available to the users of information and/or online services a website which works and which has been subject to checks; however it cannot take any responsibility for errors, unavailability of information and/or any viruses on the hotelspreference.com.website. External sites with hypertext links to Hôtels & Préférence are not subject to any control from Hôtels & Préférence, and any responsibility for their content is refuted. Solely the user is responsible for their use.


Update my cookie usage consents

When you browse the website of hotelspreference.com, certain information (widely known as cookies) may be saved on your computer. Cookies are instructions sent to your hard disk by the website, to save and sometimes to track data relating to yourself. The cookies are specific to the server which has created them and may not be used by other servers; which means that they are unable to track your web-browsing activities. Your credit card number is never recorded in the cookies. The role of the cookies is to get the most out of the internet and to provide you with a more personalised service. The aim of the cookies is a) to avoid your having to re-enter all your details each time you visit the website, and b) to better understand how our website is used, to help us to improve and update our web content. Should you so wish, you can block or delete cookies from your computer (The Help section of your navigator will explain how to do it). Please note that doing so may mean that the website may then not work correctly.


We have created a security programme ensuring your privacy, preventing access to your data by non-authorised persons or from unwanted use. Our website is equipped with a SSL process of encryption which encodes all bank information entered by you before they are sent.


Any messages you send us via the internet may risk being intercepted. Until the information reaches us we cannot guarantee their confidentiality.


We reserve the right to modify at any time that we judge necessary our means of collection, treatment and transmission of personal data and other information. As a result this Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time in line with recent developments.